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Головна | Requirements for articles | Реєстрація | Вхід
Вісник Маріупольського державного університету
Серія: Історія. Політологія
Bulletin of Mariupol State University.
Series: History. Political Studies
Головна | Requirements for articles
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  • Сайт Маріупольського державного університету
  • Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія
  • Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Право
  • Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Економіка
  • Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія
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    Before publishing articles, the author shall submit the following documents via email to the editorial office:
    1) author’s profile
    2) article and extended abstract to the article in English language which contains author’s name and surname, the title of the article, summary of the article (at least 35 lines with key words);
    3) a scanned copy of an independent expert’s review.


    1. The editorial board only publishes articles that meet the requirements for the structure of scientific article ДСТУ 7152:2010 . Scientific articles should contain the following elements:

    - general problem statement and its relation with important research or practical targets;

    - review of the latest research and publications referred to by the author that contain early attempts to resolve this problem, finding previously unsolved elements of general problem described in this article. While analyzing the state of scientific research problem and providing main material the editorial board recommends authors to refer to publications in previous issues of MSU Journal (if there is respective research);

    - main material of study with full substantiation of scientific results obtained;

    - conclusion to this research and prospects for further research in this field.

    2. Publication starts with “УДК” classificatory index (universal decimal classification) should be aligned to the left margin in a separate line and precede the author’s (authors’) name and surname. The text should be structured as follows:

    - the author’s/the authors’ name(s) and surname(s) are to be aligned to the left margin;
    - title: centered, capital letters, bold type;
    - abstracts in the language of publication (italics) according to ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.9-2009;
    - key words should be marked with the heading “Ключові слова” (“Key words”) (italics);
    - main body of the article;
    - list of references according to the ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006;
    - date when the article was submitted to the Editorial Board written in Arabic numerals follows the list of references (aligned to the left);
    - the main body of the article is followed by the author’s/the authors’ name(s) aligned to the left margin (in English);
    - title in English should be centered, in capital letters, bold type;
    -extended abstract in English (30-35 lines, italics); it is necessary to provide extended abstract in Ukrainian for publishing the article in any other language.

    Extended abstracts are to be structured according to the “SCOPUS List of the Requirements for Journals” designed by the staff of the group of research and methodological support of publishing of the NAS of Ukraine (http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/node/931).

    - key words should be marked with the heading “Ключові слова” (“Key words”) (italics);

    3. Requirements for texts:

    - the article should be submitted in a hard copy (sheet of А4, Microsoft Word 97-2010 format) and in a soft copy on electronic storage devise or sent via e-mail [email protected]. The paper should be from 6 up to 10 pages including figures, charts and reference list. The main body of the article - preferred font Times New Roman, Symbol, 12 pt, interval – 1, mirror, top – 25 mm, bottom – 25 mm, inside – 25 mm, outside – 25 mm., paragraph – 10 mm; the article is structured according to ДСТУ 3008-95 «Documents. Reports in the field of science and technology. Structure and requirements»;

    - the references should be listed alphabetically or in order of appearance in the text following the main body of the article and marked with the “List of References” title. The references on the list should be numbered manually, without using a “Format-List-Numbering” command in the Word toolbar. The list of references is to be provided in a source language;

    - the reference list should be structured according to ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006;

    As all the articles are included in scientometrical databases, the authors should follow reference list requirements. Every reference on the list may be either provided in a source language or transliterated. To transliterate the text, please, consult the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27th, 2010 N 55, (http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/55-2010-%D0%BF), website of online transliteration http://ukrlit.org/transliteratsiia. To transliterate Russian text, please, use the system of еру U.S. Department of State (http://shub123.ucoz.ru/Sistema_transliterazii.html) (see the corresponding Sample);

    - Symbols. Authors should use angle quotes or Guillemets: «»; hyphen is a short dash «-». There is no need to put extra spaces before square brackets or round brackets, or inside them. To avoid this, you should use “Show formatting symbols” command;

    - references should be structured as follows: [7, p. 123], 7 is the number of reference in the list, 123 is a page. References to more than one publication at the same time are structured as follows: [1; 4; 8] or [2, p. 32; 9, p. 48; 11, p. 257]. Reference to archive sources - [15, sheet 258, 231 report];

    - scholars and researchers mentioned in the text should appear in alphabetical order starting with the name – E.Fromm, C. Jung, K.Jaspers, M.Tard, etc. Foreign and national scholars should be mentioned separately.

    4. Accompanying materials:

    - the article is to be accompanied by the short information about the author (see Sample) where surname, name and patronymic, his/her academic degree, title, position, place of work are provided.

    - articles by the authors without academic degree should be submitted with the review of the Doctor of Science in the field of publication or with the Extract from the Record of a university’s department (office) meeting on approving this articles for publishing. Review or Extract from the Record should be submitted in hard copy and soft copy via email.

    5. The article are approved for printing if the following documents are provided:

    - the text of the article (electronic and printed versions signed by the author (authors), structured in accordance with the established requirements;

    - internal review (if necessary);

    - information about the author (authors) (author's profile) signed by the author (s) in hard and soft copy;

    - consent to personal data processing signed by the author (by each author separately).

    6. The Editorial Board anticipates that the materials submitted have not been published or submitted for publishing in other publications previously and contain reliable data. The author is responsible for the reliability of facts, statistics and other data provided by him/her. The Editorial Board reserves the right to review, edit, cut or reject the article as well as the right to publish, distribute and use the article in scientometrical databases, open sources and Internet websites (MSU e-library). The authors’ opinion may differ from the Editorial Board’s point of view.

    Sample of article

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